Police applaud guard who foiled armed robbery on forex bureau

Police applaud guard who foiled armed robbery on forex bureau
Moses Odongo

Police have applauded Moses Odongo, a guard attached to Cheetah Security for foiling an armed robbery at his guard point of Tonix Forex Bureau at Makonzi zone Bukoto I Parish in Nakawa Division.

According to police, the incident occurred on the night of March 15, when the armed thugs attempted to vandalise a Pajero motor vehicle under registration number, UBK 519C, in front of his beat.

However, the guard who was brave and alert on duty, fired two shots at the two thugs, forcing them to flee the scene on their getaway motorcycle.

According to police spokesperson, Fred Enanga, the thugs returned with a second accomplice who was armed with an AK 47 riffle, hidden in a bag and tried to break into Tonix Forex Bureau, but Odongo foiled their attemp again.

“The guard opened fire at them, and injured the rider and the second suspect with a bag, containing the gun,” Enanga said.

Enanga noted that a police team responded swiftly and recovered an AK47 riffle, with 8 rounds, breaking implements and the motorcycle, bajaj boxer, which were all exhibited at Kira road CPS.

The third suspect fled the scene.

The two suspects have been identified as Kibuuka Lawrence, of Mpererwe, who was armed with a gun and Musekule Ivan, the boda boda rider.

Enanga commended the guard for his heroic and timely response which helped foil the robbery.

“The security guard did a crimendable job, by disabling the thugs, which foiled the robbery, and also led to the recovery of an AK 47 riffle,” Enanga stated.

The police mouthpiece also applauded Cheetah Security company for Odongo’s level of bravery, tactic and skills.

“His quick reaction saved a robbery and loss to the Forex bureau, plus any other lives that could have been affected during the robbery,”

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